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If you want to send us an e-mail and give us ideas, tell us what you think of our site, whether you love it or hate it, or if you want to enter fanart, just send an e-mail to one of the addresses below, according to which person you would like to send it to.
To send e-mail to Shounen Cheezer, the primary creator of this site, send mail to CheezerMillenium@aol.com and he will try to read it as soon as he sees it in his mailbox. He may not answer all of your e-mails, due to the fact that he recieves many each day. To send e-mail to Shojo Neko, the co-creator of this site, then please send it to Rabit639@cs.com and she will try to read it as soon as she can. She may not answer it though, since she gets quite a lot of mail each day. |
We all welcome any of your mail, but please be nice. If you want to flame us, don't waste your time. We probably will delete any mail that has even a single word of offense directed toward us or our site. But, occasionally, we may read some hate mail and reply to you, in efforts to shame you for writing hate mail to people who only wanted to make a simple site for your benefit. Oh, and we especially welcome fan mail! It would be great if some of you sent us fanart. Eventually, we plan to have a fanart contest!
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